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Why we are running Langclub?

We are a group of people who are interested in connecting people from all around the world through conversation. We are trying to find the best way to make the connections between the people. During our beta service, we decided to offer the sessions 100% free! Since our goal during this period is to receive all the feedbacks to make the better service!

😎 What is a Langclub ambassador?

Have you ever been dreaming of working in a global platform? Langclub ambassadors are those dedicated members who want to donate their time and efforts to help promote our English conversation club to our members across the world. We are seeking out those members who love Langclub, and want to support our mission at the same time as improving their personal experience or portfolio by being a part-time online marketer, UI/UX designer, or developer!

🤷‍♀️ What am I supposed to do if I contribute being an ambassador?

Do you have some experience in marketing? Are you a student in UI/UX design and want to expand your portfolio? A web programmer? If you have some skills and talents that you think would be useful to help improve Langclub, please reach out to us to listen to our plans and ambition!

🎃 What positions are in need?


Web designer(UI/UX)


Web developer



If you have any talents or ideas not listed here, please let us know! Any form of help would be very appreciated!

💡How can I apply?


If you want to ask more questions and know about more details, please click the link above to contact us or apply!